Valmatic Floodsafe (Inflow Preventer)
(protection of drinking water against flood water)
The FloodSafe® Inflow Preventer is a revolutionary system that works with air valves and provides unrivaled protection of potable water systems from contamination.
By preventing water from passing through the FloodSafe®, contaminated floodwater or water that has been compromised by intentional tampering are prohibited from entering the air valve outlet and are subsequently unable to enter the system.
A significant risk to public health exists when a drinking water distribution system is exposed to the inflow of contaminated water or toxins at air valve locations along the drinking water pipeline. While public drinking water systems are routinely protected from contamination at the points of service with backflow prevention devices, little attention has been paid to air valve and vent inflow locations in water pipeline vaults located throughout distribution systems
In order to maintain system design efficiencies and provide protection from transients, water pipelines and distribution systems require the installation of air valves at high points and regular intervals (i.e. every half mile) to exhaust and admit air during system operations including filling, draining, and critical conditions such as surges or line breaks. The risk of contamination cannot be mitigated by eliminating the valves; the function of air valves is critical to the safe and efficient operation of the water system.
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